6 to 10 Online Exams Online Exams November 5, 2020April 5, 2021 Class 10 Maths: SETS (E/M) Online Exam-2 Posted By: aseducationacademy@gmail.com 0 Comment 6 to 10 Online Exams, Class 10 Maths Online Exams (E/M), Class 10 Online Exams (E/M), English Medium Online Exams 0% 115 Lets Start! Oops time out! Created on November 05, 2020 By aseducationacademy@gmail.comMaths EM Class 10 Maths: SETS (E/M) Online Exam-2 Hello Students. This Exam is prepared by AS EDUCATION ACADEMY For Practice. Please Share the link of exam to all students. 1 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM 2 is not element of set “A”.Symbolic representation of this statement? 2∉A 2∉B none 2∈A 2 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Set of letters in word ” APPLE ” ? ={A,P,L,E} ={A,P,P,L,E} none ={A,P,L} 3 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Roaster form of set A={ x: x=n², n∈N, n≤5} none A={1,4,9,16,25} A={1,8,27,64,125} A=1,2,3,4,5} 4 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM If A={2,4,6,8}, B={1,3,5,7,9} then which of the following is incorrect? 1∉A 7∈A 2∈A 5∉A 5 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM The set is displayed in this bracket? [ ] ( ) none { } 6 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Roaster form of Set A={x:-3≤x≤1, x∈Z} is? A={3,2,1,0,-1} A={-2,-1,0,1} A={-3,-2,-1,0,1} A={-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3} 7 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Mathematician who developed Set’s Theory? George Cantor Aryabhatta Ronald Fisher Hiparchus 8 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Set is a collection of items in which elements have—————–? Common Property none no property no common property 9 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Set builder for of Set A=={0, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10}? A={x:x=1/2n, n∈W, n≤5} A={x:x=1/2n, n∈N, n≤5} A={x:x=1/2n, n∈Z, n≤5} none 10 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Set of factors of 15? A={3,5} A={1,3,5,15} A={3,6,9,12} A={1,3,5,15,30} Your score isThe average score is 59% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz By WordPress Quiz pluginShare this: