6 to 10 Online Exams Online Exams November 5, 2020April 5, 2021 Class 10 Maths: SETS (E/M) Online Exam-1 Posted By: aseducationacademy@gmail.com 0 Comment 6 to 10 Online Exams, Class 10 Maths Online Exams (E/M), Class 10 Online Exams (E/M), English Medium Online Exams 0% 91 Lets Start! Oops time out! Created on November 05, 2020 By aseducationacademy@gmail.comMaths EM Class 10 Maths: SETS (E/M) Online Exam-1 Hello Students. This Exam is prepared by AS EDUCATION ACADEMY For Practice. Please Share the link of exam to all students. 1 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Roaster for of Set A={x:-3≤x≤1, x∈Z} is? A={-3,-2,-1,0,1} A={-2,-1,0,1} A={-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3} A={3,2,1,0,-1} 2 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM If A={1,3,5} then which of these statement is incorrect? 2∉A 3∉A 5∈A 1∈A 3 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Set of multiples of 6 between 23 and 43? ={24,30,36,42 ={6,36} ={6,12,18} ={27,30,33,36,39,42} 4 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM The Set of letters in word “MADAM”? ={A,D,M} ={M,A,D,A,M} ={A,A D,M,M} ={A,D,D,M,M} 5 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Roaster form of set A={x: x=3n, n∈N, n≤4} is ? A={3,6,9,12 A={3,6,9,12,15,18} A={3,12} A={0} 6 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Set of All factors of 20? ={2,4,5,10} ={1,2,4,5,10,20} ={1,2,3,4,5,10,20} ={5,0} 7 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Set of digits in Ramanujan Number? ={1,2,5,9} ={1,2,7,5} ={1,2,7,9} ={1,5,7,9} 8 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Which of the following is not a set? A family of rich people withan income of more than one lakh A family of rich people withan income of more than five lakh A family of rich people withan income of more than two lakh Family rich people 9 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Set of 30 days months in a year? ={All months} ={Feb,April, June, Sep, Nov} ={April, June, Sep, Nov} ={jan, mar, may,jul, aug, oct, dec} 10 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM A={2,3,5,7} then A is? Set of Composites Less than 10 Set of evens less than 10 Set of primes less than 10 Set of Odds less than 10 Your score isThe average score is 61% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz By WordPress Quiz pluginShare this: