Growth And Development-CDP Online Exam-14 For TSTET/APTET/CTET/TRT | AS Exam Series

Growth And Development-CDP Online Exam-14 For TSTET/APTET/CTET/TRT | Child Development And Pedagogy | AS Exam Series Urdu/English Medium

Growth And Development نمو اور نشوونما

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Growth & Development-CDP Exam-14


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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

The detailed sequence of stages of moral reasoning or judgments about right or wrong was proposed by?
اخلاقی استدلال کے مراحل یا صحیح یا غلط کے بارے میں فیصلوں کے تفصیلی سلسلے کی تجویز پیش کی گئی تھی

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

One of the three stages during the prenatal growth is?
قبل از پیدائش کی نشوونما کے دوران تین مراحل میں سے ایک ہے

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

The pattern of physical development which is genetically determined is?
جسمانی نشوونما کا نمونہ جو جینیاتی طور پر طے کیا جاتا ہے؟

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

Physical growth and development is called?
جسمانی نمو اور نشوونما کوکہا جاتا ہے؟

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

Early childhood is a period of?
ابتدائی بچپن کا دور ہے

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

Heinz Werner explained the concept of?
ہینز ورنر نےاس تصور کی وضاحت کی؟

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

Development is directional means?
نشوونما سمتی ہے اسکا مطلب؟

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

“Development is a never ending process.” This idea is associated with?
نشوونما ایک نہ ختم ہونے والا عمل ہے”۔ اس خیال سے وابستہ ہے؟”

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

Development is not?
نشوونما نہیں ہے؟

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Category: CDP-Growth & Development

The development that proceeds in the direction of the longitudinal axis i.e., head to foot is termed as……….?
وہ نشوونما جو طول بلد محور کی سمت میں آگے بڑھتی ہے یعنی سر سے پاؤں تک ………. کہلاتی ہے؟

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Growth And Development نمو اور نشوونما

This Exam is useful For All Teaching Jobs and Competitive Exams. Like: TS TET, APTET, TRT, DSC, CTET, REET and KVS. Also helpful for other state TETs Exam: MHTET, UPTET, Bengal TET, BIhar TET, All States TET, DEECET and EDCET Etc.

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