Tenses English Online Exam-10 For TSTET/APTET/CTET/TRT | AS Exam Series

Tenses English Online Exam-10 For TSTET/APTET/CTET/TRT | AS Exam Series | Tenses-English Grammar Online Exams

Tenses Exam

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25 minutes

25 minutes


Tenses-English Exam-10

1 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

Choose the future indefinite tense form of the given sentence. “The parcel has been delivered.”


2 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

Joey __________ from the vacation just now.


3 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

Fill in the blank with the present perfect continuous tense form of the verb given in the bracket. “Workers __________ day and night.” (work)

4 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

Fill in the blank with the past perfect tense form of the verb given in the bracket. “Vikram __________ his job.” (do)

5 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

Choose the future perfect tense form of the given sentence. “Charlie is the headboy of our school.”

6 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

I __________ you my last year’s books.

7 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

Which tense is used to express a person’s habitual or regular activities?


8 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

Identify the tense used in the given sentence. “Someone picked my pocket.”

9 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

Identify the tense used in the underlined phrase. “As soon as I was ready to leave, it started to pour.”

10 / 10

Category: English-Tenses

You should not __________ the worst.

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Past, Present and Future tense practice exams.

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