Uncategorized October 31, 2020February 23, 2023 Class 10 English : Personality Development (FACE SHEET) All Medium Posted By: aseducationacademy@gmail.com Class 10 English Online Exams (E/M), Class 10 English Online Exams (T/M), Class 10 English Online Exams (U/M), Class 10 Online Exams (E/M), Class 10 Online Exams (T/M), Class 10 Online Exams (U/M), English Medium Online Exams, Telugu Medium Online Exams, Urdu Medium Online Exams 0% All the Best.... Oopss! Created on December 29, 2024 By aseducationacademy@gmail.comEnglish Class 10 English : Personality Development (FACE SHEET) All Mediums Welcome to AS Education Academy Online Exam Portal.. All the Best.. Share for spreading the Knowledge 1 / 15 She was pushed of a running train by some robbers in 2011. Choose the right option to make it a correct sentence. From With In off 2 / 15 Helen became the first deaf -blind person to .. Travel to other country Get a job Graduate from college Learn to speak 3 / 15 The stories of the persons in the above pictures reveal that … Disability is not an obstacle to success Disability is an obstacle to success Disability is a stumbling block to success. Disability is a curse. 4 / 15 She was inspiring by cricketer Yuvraj singh. Choose the right option to make it a correct sentence. Was inspired Are inspiring Were inspired Is inspiring 5 / 15 According to the above picture, success requires.. Fear Determination Timidity Idleness 6 / 15 Choose the best sentence that we must say to a child with special need…. You can’t achieve anything You are a burden on society I'm here for you You are so unlucky 7 / 15 According to the above picture success comes , when people…. Try to overcome their disabilities Spend idle time Unbothered about their disabilities Don’t try to overcome their disabilities 8 / 15 Sudha chandran overcame her disability by getting a prosthetic.... Heart Hand Nose Leg 9 / 15 Her aim was to climb each of a continents ’highest peaks and hoist the national flag of India. Choose the right option to make it a correct sentence. Is None The An 10 / 15 Stephen Hawking was severely disabled for much of his adult life. His personality was often described as… serene brash depressed gloomy 11 / 15 The persons in the picture are winners because…. All the above They don’t have negative thoughts They are hardworking They never give up hope 12 / 15 She climbed Mt Everest by a prosthetic leg. Choose the right option to make it a correct sentence. With From On For 13 / 15 She wrote the book “Born-again on the mountain”, launched by prime minister of India Narendramodi at December 2014. Choose the right option to make it a correct sentence. To On In By 14 / 15 Sudha chandran hurt her leg in a road accident. Her leg became gangrenous and her parents opted to have it amputated. Choose the meaning of amputee A person who had an arm or a leg cut off A person who had extra fingers A person who had extra toes A person who had more than one personality 15 / 15 The term physical disability means..... Having no hands or legs both Blind, deaf and dumb Your score is 0% Restart quiz By Wordpress Quiz plugin Share this:
I was very happy to give this a exam I hope I will passed in board exams of 10 All questions are good and intersting
I had given all the correct answers but the result was 11 only
English online test
I was very happy to give this a exam I hope I will passed in board exams of 10
All questions are good and intersting