6 to 10 Online Exams Online Exams November 1, 2020April 5, 2021 Class 10 Maths: Real Numbers (E/M) Online Exam-2 Posted By: aseducationacademy@gmail.com 0 Comment 6 to 10 Online Exams, Class 10 Maths Online Exams (E/M), Class 10 Online Exams (E/M), English Medium Online Exams 0% 68 Lets Start oops time over Created on October 30, 2020 By aseducationacademy@gmail.comMaths EM CLASS 10 MATHS: REAL NUMBERS(E/M) ONLINE EXAM-2 Hello Students. This Exam is prepared by AS EDUCATION ACADEMY For Practice. Please Share the link of exam to all students. 1 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Product of a rational and irrational numbers will be? none Rational and Irrational Irrational Rational 2 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM If n is a natural number then which of these expression ends with zero. (3×9)2 (2×5n none (2×3)n 3 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Which of the following is not an irrational number? (√2 + √3)² (5 – √3)² (√2 + √3)² (√2 – √3)(√2 + √3) 5√3/3 4 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM If x and y are co primes then LCM of them will be? x-y x/y x+y xy 5 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Sum of a rational and irrational numbers will be? Rational Rational and Irrational none Irrational 6 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM if n²-1 is divisible by 8 then n will be? 0 odd and even Odd number Even number 7 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Product of two different irrational numbers are always………… Rational none Rational and Irrational Irrational 8 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM √3-3 is which number? prime Irrational rational composite 9 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM Sum of two irrational numbers is always————? Irrational none Rational and Irrational rational 10 / 10 Category: 10 Maths EM If x and y ar two co primes then HCF will be? x y 1 xy Your score isThe average score is 64% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz By WordPress Quiz pluginShare this: