6 to 10 Online Exams Online Exams November 1, 2020April 5, 2021 Class 7 Maths: Integers (E/M) Online Exam-1 Posted By: aseducationacademy@gmail.com 0 Comment 6 to 10 Online Exams, Class 7 Maths Online Exams (E/M), Class 7 Online Exams (E/M), English Medium Online Exams 0% 64 Lets Start Oops time over Created on October 30, 2020 By aseducationacademy@gmail.comMaths EM CLASS 7 MATHS: INTEGERS (E/M) ONLINE EXAM-1 Hello Students. This Exam is prepared by AS EDUCATION ACADEMY For Practice. Please Share the link of exam to all students. 1 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM Fill in the blank -5 x ___=5 25 1 -1 5 2 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM (-2) x (-4) x (-5)=? 20 40 -11 -40 3 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM Smallest number in 0,-5,-3,2. -5 0 -3 -2 4 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM 15-(-30)=? 15 -45 45 -15 5 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM which one is biggest number in -8,-3,6,-2. 6 -8 -3 -2 6 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM fill in the blank. _____ x 8=-40 32 48 -5 5 7 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM value of (-1)99 -99 1 99 -1 8 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM increasing order of numbers 0,-2,6,4,-6. 6>-5>4>-2>0 6<4<0<-2<-5 0>-2>4>-5>6 -5<-2<0<4<6 9 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM 100+(-30)=? 70 -30 30 -70 10 / 10 Category: 7 Maths EM -2 x (-5)=? -7 -3 -10 10 Your score isThe average score is 64% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz By WordPress Quiz pluginShare this: