Articles English Online Exam-11 For TSTET/APTET/CTET/TRT | AS Exam Series

Articles English Online Exam-11 For TSTET/APTET/CTET/TRT | AS Exam Series | Articles-English Grammar Online Exams

Articles Exam

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25 minutes

25 minutes


Articles-English Exam-11

1 / 20

Category: English-Articles

Lets ask ——–real estate agent when she comes.

2 / 20

Category: English-Articles

Did you see any photos of ———-living room online. What does it look like?

3 / 20

Category: English-Articles

Aman has ———-horse that he rides on weekends.

4 / 20

Category: English-Articles

How many ———–pencils are on the table?

5 / 20

Category: English-Articles

Could I please have——–glass of water?

6 / 20

Category: English-Articles

This is ————-interesting book. I think you should read it.

7 / 20

Category: English-Articles

Question 15 was ———easy question.

8 / 20

Category: English-Articles

It’s raining outside. I need ———umbrella.

9 / 20

Category: English-Articles

A  nice view of ————mountain.

10 / 20

Category: English-Articles

It takes me ———long time to get to work.

11 / 20

Category: English-Articles

My family and i want to travel to South America in ——-June.

12 / 20

Category: English-Articles

Hurry! The train will leave in ————-hour.

13 / 20

Category: English-Articles

One of my classmates is from——Norway.

14 / 20

Category: English-Articles

Thomas never lies. He is ———–honest person.

15 / 20

Category: English-Articles

Are you happy? There are cookies on the table.

16 / 20

Category: English-Articles

There is ———cat on the sofa. its sleeping.

17 / 20

Category: English-Articles

We’ll have to put our bicycles away during———winter.

18 / 20

Category: English-Articles

I ate———egg for breakfast this morning.

19 / 20

Category: English-Articles

I see Maria every day in my————English class.

20 / 20

Category: English-Articles

I think these questions are quite ——–easy.

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