Fractions-Maths Online Exam-5 For TSTET/APTET/CTET/TRT | AS Exam Series

Fractions-Maths Online Exam-5 For TSTET/APTET/CTET/TRT | Maths Exams For TET/TRT/CTET In Urdu | AS Exam Series Urdu/English Medium

Fractions کسور

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25 minutes


Fractions-Maths Exam-5

1 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

Which of the following is an improper fraction?

مندرجہ زیل میں سے کونسی غیر واجب کسر ہے؟

2 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

The fractions which have the same denominators are called?

کسور جن کے نسب نما ایک جیسے ہو کہلاتی ہے؟

3 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

Which of the following is in descending order?

مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کونسے کسور گھٹتی ترتیب میں ہیں؟

4 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

If 0.49 is written in simplest fractions form, then the sum of its numerator and the denominator will be?

0.49 کو کسور کی مختصر شکل میں لکھنے پر اسکے شمار کنندہ اور نسب نما کا مجموعہ ہوگا؟

5 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

The equivalent fraction of 3.004 is?

3.004 کے مساوی کسر ہے

6 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

If 45/60 is equivalent to 3/x, then x =?

45/60=3/x اگر


7 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

Improper fraction of 12 1/6 is?
12 1/6

کی غیر واجب کسر؟

8 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

Which of the following is a proper fraction?

مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کونسی واجب کسر ہے؟

9 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

If 1/2 + 1/x = 2, then x =?

1/2 + 1/x = 2 اگر

X=? تب

10 / 10

Category: Maths-Fractions

An equivalent fraction of 3/5 is?

3/5 کی مساوی کسر ہے؟

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Fractions, Types of fractions like: Proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed fractions.

Problems on fractions.

This Exam is useful For All Teaching Jobs Competitive Exams. Like: TS TET, APTET, TRT, DSC, CTET, REET, KVS, MHTET, UPTET, Bengal TET, BIhar TET, All States TET, DEECET and EDCET Etc.

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